What is wool?

Wool is a natural, renewable fiber that comes from sheep. It has many outstanding properties that set it apart from other materials. Humans have yet to produce synthetic threads that match these special properties.



Can absorb up to 30% of its weight in water before becoming wet to the touch

One of the most recycled threads in the world

No chemical compounds are needed to process it into clothing

Natural insulation and temperature control in all conditions


How is the content created?

Sheep are slaughtered

Tomorrow is washed

Threads are correct by

Spun into yarn

Woven in fabric


  1. Wool production begins with culling sheep. The bag then goes through quality classification.

  2. The foam is cleaned in a series of alkaline baths containing water, soap and soda ash or a similar base. This process removes sand, dirt and grease.

  3. The yarn is then straightened – it passes through a series of metal teeth which straighten and mix the threads into sections. Which also removes any dirt left in the threads.

  1. The wool threads are then spun into yarn in a spinning machine.

  2. Then it is wrapped around coils or cones and the yarn is woven into fabric - either through a plain weave or a twill weave.


Why do we love wool?

For its many unique properties - it breathes naturally, is versatile and resilient. It is adaptable enough to be knitted in the many variations of textures and styles. It is completely biodegradable.