What is hemp?

Hemp has been used to make fabric for thousands of years. It is one of the most sustainable fibers in the world and a great alternative to linen. (e.g. the Thought brand has used hemp in its clothing lines since 1995).



Uses four times less water than non-organic cotton

60-70% of hemp's nutrients are returned to the soil

The plant matures very quickly; in about 120 days

One hectare can absorb a large amount of CO2 - about 15 tons to be exact


How is the content created?

The hemp plant grows

Harvest and Grooming

The core is removed

The threads are softened

Woven in fabric


  1. Hemp plants mature in just 80-120 days, reaching heights of up to 15 feet with little or no fertilizer. They have a smart, deep root system. This helps prevent soil erosion, removes toxins and aerates the soil for the benefit of future crops.

  2. When it has matured, the plant is cut and goes through "retting". This is a rotting process, where the outer layer is removed, exposing the long, inner "bast" fibers. These fibers are what make up the textile material used to make hemp clothing.

  1. The wood cores are then removed by peeling.

  2. The hard, scratchy biopolymer called "lignin" is removed, making the strands softer and smoother.

  1. Finally, the threads are spun in a similar way to other natural fibers; the bast fibers twist together to form long threads. This is then spun and woven into a fine linen-like material.


Why we love hemp!

Because the cultivation is natural, quick and easy. And as a natural material, it breathes well and is moisture wicking. It takes color very well, making it perfect to use for all kinds of patterns on garments. It's soft and long lasting - and over time it gets even softer.